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Custom Joinery & Quality Handmade Gifts

"I don’t just see this as a job, but as a passion, and am grateful for every day to be able to create works of art from customers’ beautiful ideas". 

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Dave Curran is Turning Timbers Tasmania

Dave began wood turning in the early 90’s, when he was just 12 years old, studying under the late Peter Vince. Dave continued to perfect his skills and just a few years later completed his Certificate III in Carpentry and Joinery. Twice during his apprenticeship Dave was awarded “Apprentice of the Year” for his dedication to his craft as well as his excellent and expanding skills and knowledge.

Upon completing his apprenticeship, Dave became a qualified carpenter and started working on kitchen fittings and general renovations across Hobart. However, after a severe motorcycle accident in the early 2000’s, his tools sat idle for many years while he focused on recovery and his being with his young family.

In 2015, woodwork was calling Dave’s name and he made the decision to slowly start working on his passion again.

Now, Dave Curran is well established within the woodwork community collaborating closely with various businesses across Tasmania including The Wood Guys, Artefacts Inc and Nathan Hardy Contracting. 

Dave takes great pride in his work and is​ driven by his core values of client satisfaction as well as excellence and quality in his handmade designs.

For any inquiries, please submit a form from the contact page below.

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For any inquiries or quote requests, please get in touch today.

Based in Hobart, Tasmania

0409 476 985

Thanks for your inquiry! Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.

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